Since Aeroglue offers customized glue products, you'll only find generic information guiding our colorized adhesive repair products. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any additional questions.
Our UV adhesives are developed and produced in our Dutch chemicals laboratory.
It is only fair to say that powerful industrial adhesives and environmental awareness are hard to reconcile. For example, from the point of recycling, the use of glue is downright undesirable, because glue as a substance affects the purity of the raw material to which it is applied to....
Until equivalent industrial adhesives can be produced, processed and removed in a completely biologically-sustainable manner, the sustainable character of our adhesives consists of the following benefits:
• Aeroglue glue gives defective or broken parts a second life; throwing away material has never been environmental friendly.
• Aeroglue adhesives only offer very strong industrial adhesives. Thanks to this property, consumption quantities are minimised significantly.
• Aeroglue UV adhesives own an efficient strength-to-weight ratio unmatched by any nail, screw, or rivet.
Glue in general provides defective products a second life, because throwing away objects has never been environmental friendly. Until we have biologically-sustainable alternatives for our current and high-quality industrial adhesives, we believe that attention to maintenance and repair is crucial in pursuit of a more sustainable world.
We are happy to expose that philosophy by flagging our self-exploited GMR logo. By exposing the GMR logo we like to emphasize the urge for expanding the original meaning of the word 'sustainable' for all objects mankind uses. GMR flags our commitment to maintenance and repair methods, our contribution to a more sustainable world.
Aeroglue was founded in 2019 by Dutch product developer Ronald Jan Veeneman (Apeldoorn, The Netherlands, 1968). The reason for starting Aeroglue was a request from KLM / Royal Dutch Airlines. He was asked: "What solution can you come up with repairing the many broken interior plastic parts in our aircraft fleet?" Ronald Jan Veeneman preferably works along very loosy assignment requirements, providing the utmost level of imagination.
After the KLM assignment, Aeroglue decided to focus on custom-made adhesive aircraft interior solutions in general. Aeroglue repair kits are offered worldwide.
Our aviation certification partner is a flexible engineering company with over 20 years of experience, offering professional solutions to suit customers requirements in the aviation branch. These solutions are tailor-made for each customer. Solutions can range from individual engineering service to full design-an-build solutions for almost any structural part in many markets.
Extensive knowledge of regulations, modern CAE/CAD tools and materials are available within the company. If necessary, in order to meet all your needs, our certification partner can fall back on the know-how, tools and engineering capabilities of a global certification network.
Aeroglue offers colorized UV glue repair boxes for repairing plastic parts in any aircraft. The video here above shows the Aeroglue product handling. Ongoing daily repair routine will lead up to more efficient handling of the Aeroglue product.